Reiss and my mom finally made it to PCMC. It was quite the run around, going from taking the life flight helicopter, an ambulance, a different helicopter, and finally a small plane. I guess the helicopters were needed for other patients. So Reiss and Granny flew to SLC in a plane. My mom said she was just praying the whole time (she hates flying and gets very motion sick!)! Reiss was asking for "sweet and sour rice and water"! He did good on the trip. When he arrived at PCMC, he was smiling and laughing. Happy to see Papu and Auntie M, who were there waiting for their arrival. The docs had given him some morphine before they left Price, and that really seemed to perk him up. My mom said the flight crew was incredible, and wonderful with Reiss.
A few details to note/clarify:
He DID NOT get taken to the PICU. He is on the 4th floor, which is where he usually stays. Great news!
His fever seems to have subsided.
He did have a restless night. He was hungry, and uncomfortable.
They are trying to get his pain under control... he needs oxycodone every 4 hours to keep him comfortable. The pain is caused from the withdrawals from the steroid he was on.
His oxygen keeps dropping (into the 80s) when he sleeps.
He seems to be doing much better than yesterday.
His blood levels are not low enough that he needs a transfusion.
Thank you for your concern and prayers! He is doing so much better. I will up date as I get more info.
Salmon Bake
9 years ago
Thank you, so so much for the update. I tossed and turned with worry last night and lost a lot of sleep over this darling little boy. Our prayers have been answered. I will continue to pray that he doesn't have pneumonia and that he makes a speedy recovery from all of this withdrawl. So grateful he has the wonderful care from Primary Children's! We love you Reiss! Keep fighting!