Reiss started Delayed Intensification on August 19.
Here is what I know (from Amber and Alysa) about DI:
*It is a very intense 2 months of chemo.*This phase will last 8 weeks, and is divided into 2 parts.
*The first 4 weeks he will receive a new chemo called Doxorubicin, also known as, "the red devil". It is called this, because it is red in color. It has a lifetime maximum dose, and can be a dangerous chemo. It can cause heart damage so they will monitor his heart and function. He had an EKG/ECHO at diagnosis. This is a new chemo for Reiss. Some of the more common side effects include: nausea, vomiting, hair loss, red urine, low blood count, mouth sores. Less common side effects include: heart damage, nail bed changes, skin sensitivity. It is administered through his port.
*He will also be on steroids- dexamethasone. This is the same steroid he had during induction (the first phase.) He will take steroids for 7 days, then he will have 7 days off for the first month....Seven days on, seven days off- for 4 weeks.
*He will also go to PCMC every other day (MWF) for 2 weeks (Starting Aug. 19 and Ending Sept. 2) to get a shot of chemo in his leg. (PEG alternative).
*After the first 4 weeks he will have one week off, and then he will start the 2nd part of DI. He will be count dependent to continue.
I just love Reiss and his family. You are in our prayers and on our minds always!